Biogeochemistry & Environmental Quality Research Group Clemson University

What we do:

The Biogeochemistry & Environmental Quality Research Group (BG&EQ) at Clemson University studies the budgets and chemistry of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in source water.  We are particularly interested in understanding the influences of watershed perturbation and managements on DOM exports affecting downstream biogeochemical processes and drinking water quality.  Specific analyses include  optical properties, elemental composition, abundance of functional moieties, degradability, halogenated reactivity, and treatability in forming disinfection byproducts (DBPs). We have employed instrumental analyses such as fluorescence spectroscopy, pyrolysis gas-chromatography mass-spectrometry, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, Fourier Transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry, thermodynamic and kinetic calculations, controlled field and laboratory experiments, and watershed scale monitoring to study DOM dynamic in different water bodies under the influence of climate and land use changes.




Jan 2021: Welcome Sandy Lam.  Sandy Lam join the research group as a master student in Forest Resource, and her project is about forest management on water quality.


Jan 2021: Chen H, Tsai KP, Liu Y, Tolic N, Chu RK, Burton S, Karanfil K, and Chow AT* (2021) Characterization of dissolved organic matter from wildfire-induced Microcystis aeruginosa blooms controlled by copper sulfate as disinfection byproduct precursors using APPI(-) and ESI(-) FT-ICR MS. Water Research 189, 116640.


Nov 2020: New Funded Project by USDA NIFA- Identify effective farming practices to reduce risks of per- and polyfluoreoalkyl substances (PFAS) in food crop production. Total award = $499,000.


Sept 2020: Chen H, Rhoades CC, and Chow AT (2020) Characteristics of soil organic matter 14 years after a wildfire - A pyrolysis gas chroatography mass spectrometry study.  Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 152, 104922.


April 2020: Chow AT, and Charles Rhoades  (2020)  eLetters response to "Disinfection threatens aquatic ecosystems. Science 368, 6487, 146-147.






Archive news

Biogeochemistry & Environmental Quality Research Group

Clemson University

Last Updated: 1/30/2021

By Kenneth Chow