Biogeochemistry & Environmental Quality Research Group Clemson University

Turtle Market Survey in South China (2007 - 2008)

      (Funded by The Ocean Park Conservation Foundation of Hong Kong)


There are two major components in this two-year study: market surveys on freshwater turtle trading and educational outreach activities. We conducted monthly survey in the three major markets (i.e. Qingping (清平), Huangsa (黃沙) and Huandiwan (花地灣)) in the city of Guangzhou and one time market survey in major cities in Guangdong and Guangxi Provinces, including Nankunshan (南昆山), Huizhou (惠州), 4 Will (四會), Qingyuan (清遠), Shaoguan (韶關), Zhaoqing (肇慶), Wuzhou (梧州), Shenzhen (深圳)). Results of the market surveys provide solid evidence and quantitative data to indicate high volume of illegal market trading for endangered freshwater turtle still exists in Guangzhou.  In addition to food consumption, many exotic turtles have been sold as pets in Guangzhou.  In contrast, the markets outside the city of Guangzhou are mainly for food uses. In the educational out reach activities, we conducted questionnaire surveys and educational seminars at middle schools, high schools, and universities. We observed that the concept of conservation biology are relatively new concept to the general public in South China, regardless the educational level, degree major, or age groups of the interviewee.  Even university professors teaching environmentally related education are against turtle conservation work. More conservation education in biodiversity and wildlife conservation, particularly in the educational institutions, is urgent in South China.


Market Surveys in South China

Education Workshop in Local High School



Chow AT, Cheung SM, Yip, P (2014) Wildlife markets in South China. Human and Wildlife Interaction 8(1): 93-97.


Lo AY, Chow AT, and Cheung SM (2012) Stated contribution to turtle conservation: The significance of perceived social support and implications to conservation education.  Journal of Environmental Management 50: 900-913.


Cheung SM, and Chow AT (2011) Project-based learning: a student investigation of the turtle trade in Guangzhou, People's Republic of China. Journal of Biological Education 45(2): 68-76.


Gong S, Chow AT, Fong JJ, and Shi H (2009) The Chelonian trade in the largest pet market in China: scale, scope, and impacts on turtle conservation. Oryx 43(2) 1-4.

Biogeochemistry & Environmental Quality Research Group

Clemson University

Last Updated: 1/30/2021

By Kenneth Chow